Guest Posting Best Practices for Acquiring Links

Guest Posting Best Practices for Acquiring Links

When I first started blogging, I struggled to get anyone to notice my content. A fellow blogger told me the secret – guest post my way to the top. At first, I was skeptical of guest posting just for self-promotion. But my research showed it’s a true win-win when done right – you provide value to hosts while gaining exposure, backlinks and readers for your own site. In fact, over 50% of links are acquired through guest posting.

This article will share everything I’ve learned on my journey from guest blogging newbie to successful content creator. I’ll cover identifying high-quality opportunities, crafting the perfect pitch, engaging post writing, and promotion strategies.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Benefits of Guest Posting

Guest posting is a powerful content marketing strategy, but many bloggers may be skeptical of its value beyond self-promotion. As with any tactic, it’s important to understand the true benefits of guest posting when done effectively.

Increased backlinks and domain authority

One of the biggest benefits of guest posting is the potential for link building. Studies show that over half of all backlinks acquired for websites come through guest posting. When done right, each guest post you contribute provides an opportunity to earn a new backlink pointing to your site. Over time, this can really boost your domain authority and search engine rankings.

Exposure to new audiences

Guest posting is also a great way to gain exposure to new audiences. When you write for other popular blogs in your industry, their readers are introduced to your expertise. This is a big win, as most blogs only have about 2-5% of readers who also have their own blogs. You can reach a huge number of potential new fans this way.

Opportunity to showcase your expertise

Another key benefit is that guest posting allows you to showcase your expertise to a broader audience. When evaluating potential contributors, most bloggers want to feature authors who are true experts in their field. By providing valuable, well-researched content on other sites, you position yourself as a thought leader. This can then lead to more opportunities to establish yourself as a go-to resource.

Identifying High Quality Guest Posting Opportunities

When I first started guest blogging, I’ll admit I took a bit of a scattershot approach. I reached out to any blog remotely related to my niche and crossed my fingers. Unsurprisingly, this strategy didn’t yield great results. Over time, I learned how important it is to be strategic when identifying the right blogs to target.

Research topic niches and popular blogs

One tool I find invaluable is Google Trends. By exploring popular search terms and topics in my industry, I’m able to identify emerging sub-niches with growth potential. I then research the top 10 blogs ranking for those terms using SEMrush or Ahrefs. This helps me focus on blogs with proven interest in that content area.

Assess blogger outreach policies and audience fit

Once I’ve curated a list of relevant blogs, I take time to learn more about each one. I check their about/contact pages to understand their outreach preferences and publishing cadence. Tools like Buzzsumo and Alexa help me analyze audience demographics like age, location and interests. This ensures my pitches will appeal to their specific readers.

Curate a targeted list of relevant blogs

After careful assessment, I end up with a list of around 20 top blogs that are the perfect fit for my expertise and writing style. Focusing my efforts on this tailored list means my pitches are more likely to stand out from the noise. It’s also easier to develop relationships when I’m not spamming dozens of sites at once.

Crafting an Effective Guest Post Pitch

Getting that first “yes” from a blogger is crucial. Here are some tips I’ve learned for crafting a pitch that gets noticed.

Introduce yourself and your qualifications

Rather than a generic introduction, share a brief story about how you came to be an expert in your field. For example, I might mention my background in content marketing and running a successful blog for 5+ years. This establishes credibility.

Propose a valuable post idea and outline

I like to suggest 2-3 compelling topic ideas I’m excited to write about, along with a 2-3 sentence outline for each. For a blog about gardening, some ideas could be “10 Vegetables to Grow in Small Spaces” or “An Introduction to Companion Planting.”

Highlight how the post will benefit readers

Emphasize what readers will gain, like actionable tips or insightful perspectives. I also point out how the post is timely, solving problems readers may be facing now. For example, a post on winter gardening in colder climates.

Request publishing details and deadlines

To respect the blogger’s time, I always provide a flexible timeline for when I can deliver a full draft. I also ask about their preferred formatting, links policy and any other requirements. This shows I’m easy to work with.

The goal of any pitch is to get the blogger excited about the potential value I can provide their audience. Focusing on reader benefit and my qualifications helps the blogger see me as a reliable contributor they’ll be happy to feature.

Writing Quality Guest Posts

The post is where you really get to shine and show off your expertise. Here are some tips for crafting engaging, high-quality content.

Provide unique and well-researched content

Gone are the days of regurgitating content from a Google search. Readers want fresh perspectives and data. I conduct in-depth research, including surveys with my audience, to develop truly original ideas.

Focus on reader value over self-promotion

While including 1-2 links to related posts on my own site is okay per some policies, the post should never feel like an advertisement. I focus on creating value first and foremost.

Adhere to blogger guidelines and branding

I always review and respect the blogger’s style, tone, and rules before writing. This could mean following their outline template or link placement policies. Consistency with their … other … content helps the post feel seamlessly integrated on their site.

One time, I was researching … a gardening blogger’s most popular posts … and noticed they all included fun personal anecdotes. So in my post, I shared a funny story about the time my tomatoes were destroyed by squirrels. Weaving in elements like this that fit the blogger’s voice helps the post … really resonate … with their readers.

Promoting and Maximizing Links and Exposure

While guest blogging is a link building strategy, it’s also important to promote each post for greater exposure and engagement.

Announce post on social media channels

I share the new post on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn so my network knows it’s live. I provide an enticing summary along with a link.

Link strategically within the content body

Placing 1-2 links to related posts or resources on my own site is a natural way to pass some link equity. I’m careful not to over-promote and detract from reader value.

Thank host and ask to be featured again

I always send a personalized thank you to the blogger after publishing. I mention how much I enjoyed contributing and ask if they’d consider featuring me again down the road. This nurtures the relationship.

Promoting posts is a great way to amplify the benefits of guest blogging beyond just links. It helps more readers discover my expertise and can lead to … … future opportunities like sponsored or featured content.

Tracking Results and Ongoing Optimization

It’s important to track the performance of guest posts over time to refine your process.

Monitor traffic, links and new opportunities

I use Google Analytics to see how much traffic and engagement each post drives to my site over weeks/months. Tracking backlinks reveals how many were gained. This data helps optimize future pitches.

Maintain relationships with blogger contacts

Nurturing ongoing relationships with bloggers I’ve written for in the past often leads to more opportunities. I periodically check in, share relevant new content, and am always open to future collaborations.

Refine process based on metrics and feedback

Reviewing performance metrics alongside any feedback from bloggers provides insights into what can be improved. For example, if posts with more visuals see better engagement, I’ll focus on proposing more visually oriented content next time around.

Ongoing optimization is key as the industry constantly evolves. Tracking results and maintaining relationships keeps my guest blogging efforts as effective as possible for a long time.


Guest blogging is an effective strategy for link building when done the right way. By focusing on quality over quantity, developing relationships, and continuously optimizing your process based on results, you can reap the many rewards of exposure, links, and new opportunities.

It’s an involved effort but one that truly pays off as more readers and bloggers discover your expertise. Never stop learning and improving your craft. With dedication and a commitment to providing value, guest posting can help take your online influence to the next level.

If you found this overview of best practices helpful, feel free to check out my blog at for more tips on content marketing and link building. Wishing you the best in all your future guest blogging endeavors!

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