Creating Different Types of Pillar Content for Organic Growth

Creating Different Types of Pillar Content

When building an online presence, it’s easy to get caught up in chasing the latest trends or focusing solely on short-term wins. However, true sustainable growth is built on solid foundations. For websites and blogs, those foundations come in the form of pillar content.

As a content creator myself, I know the temptation to chase clicks and likes can be strong. But through trial and error, I’ve learned that quality will always outweigh quantity in the long run. Taking the time to craft durable, valuable pillars has paid off far more than any fleeting wins ever could.

In this post, I’ll explore what pillar content is, why it’s so crucial for organic growth, and how to start laying those all-important foundations for your site or blog. My goal is to encourage a more sustainable approach focused on real user value rather than empty vanity metrics. So let’s get started building our pillars!

Table of Contents

What is Pillar Content and Why is it Important?

Pillar content forms the bedrock of any strong online presence. But for those new to content strategy, the term itself can be puzzling. So let’s start with a definition.

Defining Pillar Content

Pillar content, sometimes called evergreen or foundational content, refers to the core pieces of information that support and reinforce your entire website or blog. These are the heavyweight articles, guides and resources that address topics in-depth and remain relevant for years to come.

A good analogy is to think of pillar content as the load-bearing walls in a house. Just as walls provide the underlying structure and shape the space, strong pillars define the scope of your site and allow other content “rooms” to be built around them.

Benefits for SEO and Traffic Growth

Developing robust pillars brings several important benefits for organic growth through search. Some key advantages include:

  • Authority & Trust – Comprehensive pillar content establishes you as an expert by answering user questions in depth. This helps search algorithms see your site as an authority.
  • Evergreen Traffic – Unlike short-term content, pillars continue drawing new readers over many months or years. One of my earliest guides from 2015 still receives traffic today!
  • Link-Building Fodder – High-quality pillars make ideal resources for other sites to link to, passing link equity to your entire domain. Some of my pillars have earned hundreds of backlinks.
  • Internal Linking – A strong pillar framework allows new pages to easily relate back and leverage the rankings signals of established content. This boosts the visibility of all pages.

In the internet age, information is fleeting. But those who take the time to lay sturdy pillar foundations will find their online presence stands the test of time. Are you ready to start building? Let’s look at how to craft your very own content cornerstones.

Types of Content You Can Create

When starting to develop your content pillars, it’s important to consider the many formats available. One size certainly does not fit all, so experimenting with different styles allows you to best serve diverse readers.

How-to Guides

For those seeking practical step-by-step instructions, how-to guides are invaluable pillars. Whether it’s “How to Write an Ebook in 30 Days” or “10 Tips for Shooting Better Product Photos with Your Phone,” guides answer critical user questions concisely.

Educational Articles

While guides focus on the “how,” in-depth educational articles provide the “what” and “why.” Diving deep into topics helps establish expertise. I’ve found success explaining complex subjects simply, like with my article “What is SEO and Why is it Important?

Case Studies

Authentic case studies showing real solutions in action can be very persuasive pillars. Including metrics and testimonials brings concepts to life. However, obtaining consent is important – I once interviewed a client unknowingly using their story without permission!

Checklists and Worksheets

Visual content like checklists and worksheets are excellent for scanning comprehension. My “Content Calendar Template” is a popular pillar. Pro tip: Add a surprise joke or two to keep readers engaged with lighter pillars.

eBooks and White Papers

For covering especially vast topics, eBooks and white papers allow exhaustive exploration. Quality and usability are key – no one wants to wade through 50+ poorly designed pages. Consider breaking into chapters.


Visual learners appreciate engaging infographics. Research thoroughly to include surprising facts and quotes to capture attention. Tools like Canva make design simple.

Video Tutorials

While requiring more production, short videos complement other pillars well. Seeing concepts in action helps cement understanding. Keep videos concise with a clear call-to-action.

The possibilities are endless. Try different formats to develop the perfect content mix for your audience and goals. The right pillars will set you up for organic growth success.

Developing Effective Pillar Content

Now that we’ve explored pillar content formats, it’s time to discuss developing them effectively. With a bit of upfront planning, your pillars can become high-performing assets for organic growth.

Perform Keyword Research

Begin by identifying popular, relevant search terms related to your niche. Tools like Google Keyword Planner show search volumes. I like mapping keywords to topics to ensure coverage. This targeting boosts chances of discovery and rankings.

Map Out a Solid Structure

Before writing, sketch an outline breaking your pillar into well-organized sections. This provides flow and focus. For tutorials, numbering steps clearly helps. Outlines also aid revision – I’ve edited pillars many times based on outlines.

Incorporate Visual Elements

Pictures, videos and infographics keep readers engaged amid blocks of text. I find breaking up long-form pillars with visuals every 300 words maintains attention. Sources like Unsplash offer royalty-free images.

Cross-link Your Pillars

Once published, relate your new pillars back to older ones through internal links. This passes authority between pages, strengthening your content network’s visibility. I create link maps to connect relevant pillars.

Promote Your Masterpieces

Sharing new pillars on social platforms and via email lists spreads the word. I like including a brief case study or quote from clients to demonstrate real value. Promotion is key for any content to fulfill its potential.

Developing pillars may require more effort initially than other content, but these performance-boosting tactics ensure high returns through organic discovery and usability. Your searchers will thank you!

Optimizing Pillar Content for SEO

Now that your pillars are written and published, it’s important to optimize them for both search engines and users. A few best practices can really boost performance:

Target Keywords Strategically

In addition to titles, liberally sprinkle targeted keywords naturally throughout headers and body text. I like to bold the main keyword for emphasis.

Optimize Images for SEO and Understanding

Add descriptive, keyword-rich alt text and captions to images so they also contribute to rankings. Proper labeling also helps any visual-learners understand content.

Weave a Web of Links

Cite reputable external sources and include links between your own pillars. This passes authority while also making your content network more robust and discoverable for users.

Update and Evolve Content Over Time

Periodically review older pillars and refresh with any new learnings or resources. This signals to search engines the content is alive and helps retain readers. I schedule light edits every 3-6 months.

Simple optimization like this can work wonders. By prioritizing both engines and humans, your pillars will continue delivering value for the long haul. And isn’t sustainable success what we all want in the end?

Measuring the Impact of Pillar Content

It’s not enough to simply publish pillars – we must also analyze their impact. But how do we truly gauge success beyond superficial metrics?

Track Organic Traffic & Rankings Over Time

Google Analytics shows traffic and search performance trends. But these “vanity metrics” don’t indicate user value. Correlation doesn’t equal causation.

Monitor Conversions, Not Just Clicks

Rather than leads or clicks alone, track conversions like signups, purchases or downloads. This indicates actual user benefit rather than superficial interactions.

Gather Qualitative User Feedback

I conduct user interviews and add comments sections to understand qualitative pillar experience. Frustration or confusion show where content can be improved.

Consider Non-Digital Business Impact

For B2B, survey whether pillars helped clients make informed decisions or improved processes. These “offline” metrics reflect how content enhances real relationships and business.

True success comes from creating value, not vanity. Pillars should be measured by how much they empower users, not page views alone. Qualitative and outcome-based metrics show the human impact beyond superficial analytics. That’s the only way to build a sustainable content strategy.

Scaling Your Pillar Content Strategy

Creating a few pillars is a start, but how do you scale for sustainable growth? It’s time to level up our strategies.

Broaden Topics and Experiment with Formats

To attract new audiences and rank for more terms, publish pillars covering a wider scope of topics. Also test new formats like podcasts or short videos alongside traditional articles.

Develop a Strategic Content Calendar

Map topics and publish schedules quarterly to stay organized. This ensures a steady flow of optimized content reaches search engines and readers on a predictable basis.

Promote Across Social and Off-Platform Channels

In addition to your blog, promote new pillars on social platforms and via email newsletters. Guest post on industry sites. This introduces your expertise and backlinks to completely new networks.

Measure and Refine Your Process

Continually analyze metrics to understand what topics and formats are most engaging and profitable. Refine strategies accordingly to maximize impact and ROI of future pillars.

With the right planning and testing, your content network can scale exponentially while retaining high quality. An expansive strategy paves the path for long-term organic growth.


When done right, pillar content is about so much more than keywords or traffic – it’s about serving real people and building meaningful connections. By focusing first on user understanding and experience, our pillars can help search algorithms see us as authorities too over time.

Creating an expansive network of high-quality, regularly-updated pillars requires ongoing effort. But by developing the right strategies and measuring qualitative impact, our content acts as a solid foundation for long-term organic growth.

As one client told me, “Your guides have saved us countless hours of research. They give us confidence to make important decisions.” That is the true success of pillars – empowering users through education and building relationships based on trust.

It’s been a pleasure exploring pillar strategies with you. I hope these ideas provide a solid starting point for your own content marketing efforts. Most of all, remember to focus first on serving real user needs before vanity metrics. Build pillars with care, and success will follow.

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