HealthCo Strategies

Traffic growth

Although a top healthcare consultancy, HealthCo Strategies lacked visibility with C-suite audiences. Our integrated content and SEO solution led to a 278% increase in website traffic from target buyer keywords.

About HealthCo Strategies

HealthCo Strategies advises healthcare providers and technology companies on growth strategies and digital transformation. Despite extensive expertise, the consultancy struggled to engage executives searching online.

The challenge

While HealthCo Strategies offered unparalleled strategic insights, the website lagged for critical decision-maker searches like “healthcare management consultant” with more visible rivals continuously outranking.

Minimal educational articles around emerging healthcare tech meant HealthCo Strategies failed to rank for high-intent informational queries. With thought leadership content gaps, the website drove limited executive engagement.


Business impact

By creating niche assets showcasing forward-looking viewpoints and optimizing towards C-suite searches, our integrated solution led to 278% more website traffic from target keywords over 6 months. The outcomes of our partnership include:


increase in buyer traffic


rise in solution inquiries


jump in top 3 rankings

Esteemed digital marketing solutions

We focused on building leadership positioning around healthcare technology transformations to engage elusive executive audiences before pursuing referencing links from industry publications. This organically spotlit HealthCo Strategies’ expertise for digital forward hospitals and health systems. They said:

“The laser-focused content marketing and SEO execution from Rehman has tangibly boosted our visibility and engagement among healthcare decision makers researching their critical strategic needs online.”

For HealthCo Strategies, we put together a robust digital strategy that includes:

+278 %

buyer traffic

275 %

Increase in organic sessions

99 %

Increase in organic contact form submissions

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